Letter to the Symposium on “Women in Science Fiction” under the Control, for Some Deeply Suspect Reason, of One Jeff Smith
Samuel R. Delany
‘Set in the Silver Sea’: English National Identity and European Integration
Anthony Smith
Looking Oppositely: Emily Bronte's Bible of Hell
Sandra M. Gilbert, & Susan Gubar
3. Women’s literary traditions and the individual talent
Elen Moers
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud, and the Last Trial of Harper Lee
Casey Cep
13. Michael Connelly: Death Is My Beat
Patrick Anderson
4. Tough guys: Spillane, MacDonald, McBain, Macdonald, Willeford
Patrick Anderson
Going Global
David Damrosch
Equating Performance with Identity: The Failure of Clarissa Dalloway's Victorian "Self" in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
Shannon Forbes
“Peg-Leg Frida” – A Rebellious Girl
Andrea Kettenmann
The Landscape of History
John Lewis Gaddis
The meaning of Margaret Mead
Sam Dresseris
3. American Style: Hammett, Cain, Chandler
Patrick Anderson
How language shapes thoughts
Lera Boroditsky
Using foreign language changes out choices
Sayuri Hayakawa, Albert Costa, Alice Foucart, Boaz Keysar
12. What Is the Result of Teaching History Like This?
James W. Loewen
11. Progress is Our Most Important Product
James W. Loewen
Totalitarian and Liminal Societies in Zamyatin’s We
Jeanne Murray Walker
34 – La colonisation
Франсоа Рейнар
Crime Present and Crime Past
Patrick Anderson
„Fake News“ als aktuelle Desinformation
Fabian Zimmermann / Matthias Kohring
Metaphors We Live By
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson
The abode of the other (Museums in German concentration camps 1933 –1945)
Božidar Jezernik
A New Generation of Readers in the Digital Age: Attentive or Distracted?
Zakia Djebbari & Houda Djebbari
History Wars: questioning tolerance
Antonis Liakos
3. The Truth about the First Thanksgiving
Джеймс У. Лоуен
Namen und Art der Götter
Wolfgang Golther
Fertility Control and the Birth of the Modern European Fairy-Tale Heroine
Рут Ботигхаймър
Culture and Imperialism
Edward Said
The cultural politics of gesture: Reflections on the embodiment of ethnographic practice
Michael Herzfeld (Harvard University)
Orientalism, Occidentalism and Knowing about Others
Stein Tønnesson (Oslo)
The Politics of National Identity
Bozidar Jezernik (Ljubljana)
The Roots of Muslim Rage: Why so many Muslims deeply resent the West, and why their bitterness will not easily be mollified
Bernard Lewis
Erzähltheorie: Eine Einführung
Tilmann Köppe / Tom Kindt
Nesting Orientalisms: The Case of Former Yugoslavia
Milica Bakic-Hayden
Looking both ways: The ethnographer in the text
Michael Herzfeld
Mother of the "Volk": The Image of Women in Nazi Ideology
Leila J. Rupp
Reflections on Gandhi
George Orwell
The Swerve. How the World Became Modern
Stephen Greenblatt
Лъжите, които ми наговори учителят: къде грешат учебниците по американска история
Джеймс У. Лоуен
Imagology: History and method
Joep leersen
Why did they begin? On the transition from cultural reflection to social activism in European national movements
Miroslav Hroch
Two Forms of Resentment: Jean Améry, Martin Walser and German Memorial Culture
Aleida Assmann
Nationalizing knowledge
Peter Burke (Cambridge)
Europe and Radical Enlightenment
Jonatan Israel
The Enlightenment and Orthodox World
Larry Wolff
(I can't get no) enjoyment: Lacanian theory and the analysis of nationalism
Yannis Stavrakakis (Colchester) with Nikos Chrysoloras (London)
Les Anti-Lumières : Du XVIIIe siècle à la Guerre froide
Zeev Sternhell